The life of the Dunkers

Stephen, Charlie, Ashley, and Ryker

Monday, September 26, 2011

our life

SO far with our life has been so busy. I've been canning for a couple months and still have some more. Sorry i haven't kept up. Maybe in the winter i will be better.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our life.

So I've been really bad at blogging and keeping up with all of this but here's what is happening for us Dunkers. We have been gardening, working on fences, and even had a yard sale. So with the gardening I have been working really hard on it. So far i have had to replant most of it twice. But now it's growing and hopefully I will get some stuff out of it. The fences are all put up around our house so the kids wont get out and into the yard. And the yard sale well that went really great. We were able to sale a lot of stuff to save up to our fireplace insert so i'm so excited for that to come. Well i'm going to try to keep up on this.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ashley's flower.

So tonight when steve got the lawn mower out for the first time there was a fake flower laying on it from one of my wreaths. Well he gave it to his cute little girl and oh wow did she love it. She carried that thing around the rest of the night. Then when it was time for us to relax she even fell asleep on the couch holding on to it tight. Well, when i went to put her in bed I pulled it out of her hand and she woke up and asked for her flower. How cute is that, steve gave her something small and she wouldn't let go of it not even to sleep. I sure do love that little girl of mine. She may drive me nuts but man is she a sweet heart.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My birthday.

So yesterday was my 23rd birthday and it was by far the best one I've had. I had gotten a beautiful flowers from my parents and then my parents brought me a locket saying their proud of me that had the kids birthstones with it. Then I was even given a really neat cookbook from my mother in law. It was so neat to read through it and see all the neat recipes that i can make. And last my wonderful husband gave me a nice dinner with just him. He let me get the king crab legs at Club XS and they were by far the best I've ever eated. I had the best birthday ever and it was so nice. Thanks everyone who wished me a happy birthday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On cranky kid.

So now since ryker things he's a big boy when he gets mad now he likes to pinch anything he can grab. This includes your face your hair or even you lips. He's such a little stinker. I sure do love this he reminds me of ashley so much when she was he's age. They even look alike also.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My little boy with the purse.

I so love these pictures. Ryker was playing with ashleys dora purse and he was so just having a blast with them. And what's more perfect is that he's wearing a jersey and blue camo pants and then you see him with a pink dora purse. How precious right.

Fruit roll ups.

So ryker had his first fruit roll up and he loved it so much. It was so cute and of course I had to take pictures of him. Here they are enjoy.